Empel Collections
Sumatrastraat 112 A
2315 BD
Phone: +31 (0)71 - 523 23 95

Contemporary lighting 

Elegant 5 arm chandelier, optional multi coloured shades
Elegant chandelier.
We can make this in any size, any number of arms.
Very functional as it directs it light down.

Shown here with several colours silk gathered pleated shades.
One colour of course also an option, as well as hardback shades. 

Lamp shown is 90cm Ø. 78cm H with fixed central arm. 
Also available on a chain. See last image ...version with the hardback shades. 

Shade size:
Lower ring 22.5 cm ( excl ruffle) 
Upper 15 cm

Side angle 15.5
E27ring in BOVEN ring. Vlak.


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Contemporary lighting interpreted as ‘modern’

Honestly, we looked it up: contemporary lighting. Well, first we looked up ‘contemporary’ and then ‘lighting’, once we had finally figured out the whole Boolean search thing. Anyhoo, it made us none the wiser. ‘Contemporary’ is often interpreted as ‘modern’, but that is not really what it means. A Shakespeare play ‘in contemporary dress’ does not—we repeat, not—have actors running around in baggy jeans. Is our lighting contemporary? Well, yes, coz we designed it, like, now, you know? All jokes aside, of course our lamps are contemporary. At Empel Collections, we get our influences and inspiration from the world around us and that translates into our designs, all our designs, whether they be for ceiling lamps, wall lights, floor lamps, or table lamps.

Our contemporary lighting is here to stay 

We thoroughly enjoy looking at old photographs and paintings that allow us a peek into the interior designs of yesteryear. The classical French bouillotte lamp was one of our first loves. As were Roman and Greek columns, which we still turn into the most beautiful table lamps. And Empire, what about Empire?! Isn’t it elegant? Or Hollywood Regency? Those black and white films, with platinum blonde bombshells and suave gentlemen. Or David Hicks, who showed the world how to mix antique and modern furnishings, with contemporary art? These are tastes—and tastemakers—that are timeless. And still as ‘contemporary’ as when they first appeared on the scene. At Empel Collections, this is what we want our contemporary lighting to be: of all times and here to stay.

Your wish is our command

Several of the lamps you see on our website are made using a vintage piece—or a couple of vintage pieces—as a point of departure. We are constantly on the lookout, at auctions, in antique shops, or even at a charming marché au puces, for a piece of sculpture, a pair of vases, an odd thingamajig, or even a thingamabob or a thingamawhatsit. We are looking for ‘potential’. And then we turn that potential into a beautiful piece of lighting. But once it is sold, it is sold. It cannot be made again. Other designs can. In fact, most of our design can. And they can be customized too. Which is perfect for you. Because you may have special requests when it comes to size and shape. Tell us. Your wish is our command. And together, we will create contemporary lighting that is truly unique.